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more than 100 years of tradition
quality made in germany
certified and highly effective

Take advantage of our know-how in research and development.

The trend towards room acoustics has long outgrown its niche – good acoustic conditions are simply too important for today's many worlds of work, learning and living. In furniture and product development, for example, the topic of sound insulation has long been taken into consideration from the very beginning.
This is where we as specialists come in. We are not only a supplier of acoustically effective products; thanks to our many years of experience, we can also offer sound advice. Take advantage of our know-how in research and development. A number of decisive attributes speak for akustikplus – our added value for furniture construction and industry:


Anyone who orders from akustikplus not only knows that they can count on the highest quality products and systems, but also that we always keep our promises when it comes to delivery times. Reliability is part of our business model.


We know what we’re talking about. We have a holistic understanding of room acoustics and bring this expertise to bear for our customers. Whether product development, design, technology or cost savings: We’ll get the maximum benefit out of it for you.


High-quality furniture construction is in the DNA of akustikplus. We combine these decades of experience with the latest know-how and provide acoustically effective doors, partitions and rear walls, cabinet bases and much more.


As experts for the development and optimization of acoustic products, we know the importance of suitable technologies. This primarily affects our production processes. Furthermore, we can offer our customers quick access to a reverberation chamber for sound measurements.